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About Us

















About We-Bear Doodle Dog Breeders Inc:

We-Bear Doodles is a registered business located 3kms from Warman, Saskatchewan, 15 minutes north of Saskatoon. It is owned and operated by myself, Wendy Weber and my husband, Richard Weber. We are an active family who love the outdoors and spending time hiking, running, cross country skiing, gardening and having our dogs by our side. We have been breeding for 16 years. We originally bred Border Collies and approx 12 years ago began breeding Purebred Golden Retrievers, and soon after moved into the doodle world. We currently breed F1 Goldendoodles, F1B Goldendoodles, and F1 & F1b Aussiedoodles! Most of our litters being bred now are in the small sized second generation (f1b) doodles.


We care very deeply about the health and happiness of our dogs, and spend multiple hours every day walking/running them, training, and playing with them. We ensure each puppy is well socialized, happy and healthy before allowing them to go to their forever homes. Each puppy receives a complete vet checkup and first set of vaccinations, as well as regular scheduled deworming's'.


About the breed:

F1 Goldendoodles and F1B Goldendoodles
          F1 Goldendoodles are a cross breed between a Purebred Poodle and a Purebred Golden Retriever. They are a fun loving breed with a minimal shedding coat. An F1B Goldendoodle is a cross between a Goldendoodle (f1) and a Purebred Poodle, producing a hybrid dog that is 3/4 poodle and 1/4 golden retriever that has great health longevity (expected life span is 15 years). The F1b Goldendoodle is usually nonshedding, good for people who have allergies. Both the f1 and f1b Goldendoodles are a gentle breed, very friendly with people of any age (seniors and/or children) and other animals, making them a great family pet. They absolutely "love their family", and as long as they receive some daily exercise, they will be happy to lay around by your side. Because the Poodle is one of the most intelligent dog breeds, and the Retriever is eager to please, the Goldendoodle breed is extremely intelligent and easy to train. Goldendoodles require frequent combing to prevent matting, and the occasional haircut will be necessary. This is another great dog for novice owners!



          F1 Aussiedoodles are a hybrid crossbreed between an Australian Shepherd and a Purebred Poodle. They are very affectionate, attentive, gentle and aim to please their master/family. Because Australian Shephard's and Poodles are two of the most intelligent dog breeds, the Aussiedoodle is exceptionally smart, and therefore very easy to train, making excellent service and therapy dogs, as well as family pets. Aussiedoodles need to be combed frequently to prevent matting, and will require the occasional haircut. Australian shepherds are an active breed, and therefore the Aussiedoodle will require daily exercise. Aussiedoodles are excellent companion dogs that are very friendly. F1b Aussiedoodle is a cross of the f1 Aussiedoodle with a Purebred Poodle, producing a curlier coat and making this 2nd generation pup nonshedding, great for families who suffer from allergies. They do require regular grooming's, approx 3-4 per year. Families who purchase the Aussiedoodle often comment "the BEST dog EVER", and the BEST DOG I'VE EVER OWNED" Exceptional personality, extremely loyal and smart.



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